Are you Ready?

Membership is just the beginning.

We know you are working hard building beautiful, sound show and production dairy goats. By teaming up with others through the National Experimental & Recorded Grade Dairy Goat Association, you can achieve a newfound level of recognition and comradery. The NERGDGA is looking forward to a future with greater respect and admiration for the top Experimental and Recorded Grade Dairy Goats in the nation.

Awards provided by NERGDGA with our Specialty shows are:   

● Senior Doe Grand Champion -Rosette 

● Senior Doe Reserve Champion -Rosette 

● Junior Doe Grand Champion -Rosette 

● Junior Doe Reserve Champion -Rosette

● Senior Show Best of Breed -Neck Rosette

● Senior Show Best Udder -Neck Rosette

● Jr. Show Youth Sportsmanship Award -Rosette (This is to be awarded to a youth who exemplifies showmanship, sportsmanship, kindness, helpfulness, & work ethic during the Junior doe show.)

● Sr. Show Youth Sportsmanship Award -Rosette (This is to be awarded to a youth who exemplifies showmanship, sportsmanship, kindness, helpfulness, & work ethic during the Senior doe show.)

● Junior Doe Show Premier Youth Doe -Neck Rosette (Winner to be chosen by the judge from the first place does shown by a youth exhibitor in each age class in the junior doe show.)

● Senior doe Show Premier Youth Doe -Neck Rosette (Winner  to be chosen by the judge from the first place does shown by a youth exhibitor in each age class in the senior doe show.)


The NERGDGA recognizes that youth are the future of the industry. Our youth committee is working on ways to encourage and give representation to the voices of our younger members. 

Stay tuned for announcements about an All-American NERGDGA Show (members will enter for free) and Production Awards. 

To join today, we invite you to download the PDF Forms below.

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